In the image below it shows possible font styles for my sixth form magazine, originally I chose Revolution and Code because I liked how bold they were and in a large size thought they would stand out. However, after reading some advice on magazines, I found out that Serif was good to use for a masthead as it is different then Sans Serif for the coverline. For my masthead I have used a font called Matrell, I like the font because it is different so will stand out.
In the image above I have some examples of possible colour schemes, I like the colour green and it is closely related to Fallibroome so I thought of good contrasting/ suited colours and pink is a nice combination, with white writing to stand out, also I could use some gradual colour increases with one bold colour over, the red one may suit well because my photo I have taken for the background involves a girl wearing red lipstick, this could look effective.
In the images below using graph paper and the principal of thirds I have sketched out a front cover and contents page plan to show my ideas and layout of what I want them to look like and my masthead, coverline and menu strip aswell as what information can be seen on each page on the contents.